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Sacile, Roberto
Sáez, Sergio
Sagahyroon, Assim
Saha, Barun Kumar, Department of Computer Science and Informatics, Haldia Institute of Technology, India (India)
Saha, Debashis, Dept. of Computer Sc. & Engg., Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India (India)
Saha, Debashis, Dept. of Computer Science & Engg, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India (India)
Saha, Himadri Nath, Institute of Engineering & Management (India)
Saha, Soumen, Department of Computer Science and Informatics, Haldia Institute of Technology, India (India)
Sahnawaj, Sk., Department of Computer Science and Informatics, Haldia Institute of Technology, India (India)
Saiedian, Hossein, Department of EECS University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66049 USA (United States)
Saiedian, Hossein, Department of Computer Science, University of Nebraska, Omaha, U.S.A. (United States)
Saiedian, Hossein, Department of Computer Science, University of Nebraska at Omaha (United States)
Saiedian, Hossein
Salhi, Nassima, Department of Computer Science, University of Guelma, Algeria (Algeria)
Samanta, Sujit Kumar, LIA/CERI, University of Avignon, France (France)
Samara, Ghassan
Samonte, Mary Jane C., School of Information Technology, Mapua University, Manila, Philippines (Philippines)
San Feliu Gilabert, Tomas, Facultad de Informatica, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Boadilla del Monte, Espana (Spain)
Sanders, Peter (Germany)
Sanjeevan, Kana (Spain)
Sanni, Mistura Laide, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (Nigeria)
Santos, Eunice E.
Sanz, Cecilia Veronica
Sanza, Cédric
Saramäki, Tapio
Saravanan, R., School of Computing Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, India (India)
Saravanan, R., School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT University, Vellore (India)
Sarwal, Alok, Lockheed Martin Corp., Denver, USA (United States)
Saxena, Vipin
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