GPS Positioning and Digital Map Processing in 2D and 3D Terrain Environment

Drago Torkar, Rudolf Murn


One of the worlds most advanced and in the last few years most popular positioning system, that allows real global positioning and navigation, is Global Positioning System (GPS), also known as NAVSTAR GPS. Quick, precise and effective positioning in any territory can be achieved by using GPS system and computerized maps obtained by image processing technologies merged with application dependent overhead. The most persuading way of GPS data visualization is visualization on computerized maps or digital terrain model (DTM). Sometimes scanning errors have great influence on the quality and geometry of digital maps. These errors may be reduced or neglected with the use of some image processing techniques. In the paper we present a prototype of a system that is able to model terrain in the 2D space. It uses the information of the GPS system, passes it to a computer that contains an electronic map of large dimensions and visualizes the position of the receiver in real time on digital maps.

The further research is oriented in three-dimensional space using digital terrain models for positioning and for real-time movement through them.


Global Positioning System (GPS), NAVSTAR GPS, digital terrain model (DTM)

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