Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology is an international peer-reviewed journal covering the area of computing and information technology, i.e. computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, information systems, and information technology. CIT endeavors to publish stimulating accounts of original scientific work, primarily including research papers on both theoretical and practical issues, as well as case studies describing the application and critical evaluation of theory. Surveys and state-of-the-art reports will be considered only exceptionally; proposals for such submissions should be sent to the Editorial Board for scrutiny.

Specific areas of interest comprise, but are not restricted to, the following topics: theory of computing, design and analysis of algorithms, numerical and symbolic computing, scientific computing, artificial intelligence, image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, embedded and real-time systems, operating systems, computer networking, Web technologies, distributed systems,  human-computer interaction, technology enhanced learning, multimedia, database systems, data mining, machine learning, knowledge engineering, soft computing systems and network security, computational statistics, computational linguistics, and natural language processing.

Special attention is paid to educational, social, legal and managerial aspects of computing and information technology. In this respect CIT fosters the exchange of ideas, experience and knowledge between regions with different technological and cultural background, and in particular developed and developing ones.

When submitting a paper, prospective authors are directed to strictly follow the Authors Guidelines (to be found under About the Journal > Submissions), as incomplete submissions will be rejected without prior notice.


Section Policies

Regular Papers

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Position Paper

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Fog and Cloud Based Blockchain Systems for the Internet of Things

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Advances in Service-Oriented Computing and Applications

  • Zhenling Liu
  • Mohd Rahim
Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Special Issue on Interactive and Innovative Technologies for Quality Practices in Smart Education to Realize Sustainable

  • Fadi Al-Turjman
  • Fahriye Altinay
  • Gokmen Dagli
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Each submitted manuscript is assigned to one of the appointed editors, who is in charge of selecting reviewers, overseeing the review process, and recommending a final decision about the manuscript to the Journal Editorial Board. All papers are subject to blind peer review by at least two independent reviewers. The most important criterion for acceptance/rejection is originality of the material presented in the manuscript. Reviewers are recruited among the internationally recognized experts relevant for the given area. 

Before accepting or declining to review a manuscript, reviewers should consider the following:

  • reviewers should report any breach of publishing ethics (data fabrication, authorship problems, plagiarism, duplicate submission, etc.);
  • reviewers should disclose conflicts of interest (anything that might affect their review, or if they feel they are unable to be objective);
  • the review process is strictly confidential (the journal uses double-blind peer review, which means that both the reviewers and the authors of the paper are anonymous).

Reviewers are kindly asked to complete their review within 2 weeks after having received a manuscript.

If they are unable to complete their report in the agreed time-frame, it is advisable to inform the editorial office as soon as possible so that extensions can be provided and the reviewing process is not delayed. If rewievers are unable to do a review, it would be very helpful if they could recommend an alternative expert.

In the event of conflicting Reviewer reports, the Editor will make the final decision.

Reviewers should consider the following aspects when reviewing a manuscript:

  • Is the paper original and of high quality?
  • Are all relevant citations or references given by the author?
  • Does the paper fit the aims and scope of the journal?
  • Is the submission written in English which is understandable to the target audience?
  • Are the methods, analysis, and conclusions high-grade?
  • Are the specific study aims or hypothesis included?
  • Is the form of citation appropriate?
  • Is the writing style clear and appropriate to the readership?
  • Does the paper adhere to the Instructions to Authors?
  • Are the title, abstract and keywords adequate?

Reviewers should do their best to clearly explain and argument their decision about the manuscript. In particular, if the decision is negative (rejection) the reviewer should clearly explain the arguments for such decision. For example, if the work is not original, the reviewer should provide a reference to the previous relevant work. If the reference list is inadequate, the reviewer should list the missing references. If a revision is requested, the reviewer should provide a list of required changes for authors to follow. When a revised manuscript is submitted the authors should clearly explain what actions/changes have been made regarding each of the reviewers' comments.


Publication Frequency

CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology is published quarterly, with four journal issues and one volume per year.


Open Access Policy

CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology is a gold open access peer-reviewed journal, which means that articles published in CIT are made freely available online immediately upon publication, without subscription barriers to access. To enable unrestricted usage our Journal is following CC-BY-ND license. Researchers can copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, for any purpose. Authors can self-archive publisher's version of the accepted article in digital repositories and archives.



Indexing Information

  • Scopus Database
  • EI Compendex
  • INSPEC Computer and Control Abstracts
  • LISA - Library and Information Science Abstracts
  • LISTA - Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts
  • EBSCO Computers & Applied Sciences Complete
  • EBSCO Applied Science & Technology Source
  • EBSCO Engineering Source
  • Computer and Information System Abstracts
  • Compuscience Database on STN International and Internet
  • DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
  • CIS - Current Index to Statistics

Member of:PILA Crossref/Crossref Similarity Check (powered by iThenticate)



University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing


Addressing Your Concerns

If you have any question, concern or suggestion, please contact the Editorial Office at cit@fer.hr.

The Editorial Team will try to respond as quickly and constructively as possible.


Stats & Reports

You can view Article File Downloads Report for 2016 (January-March) here.



Journal Subscription

Please contact cit@fer.hr for pricing information or subscription enquiries.


Journal Archiving Policy

The Journal is archived in the Croatian Web Archive.

The Croatian Web Archive (HAW) is a collection of content archived from the web for the purpose of archiving and permanently storing online legal deposit copy. The content on the web is a significant part of contemporary Croatian cultural and scientific heritage. It is built on the concepts of selective archiving, annual crawl of the .hr domain and thematic crawls of content of national importance.

Croatian Web Archive (HAW) is part of the Digital Collections of the National and University Library in Zagreb.


Publication Ethics Policy

CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT) is committed to maintaining the highest level of ethical conduct. The journal strictly adheres to and promotes ethical publishing standards to ensure high quality scientific publications and public trust in scientific knowledge.

CIT publishes high quality papers that undergo a rigorous peer review process based on ethical and professional values. The journal's guidelines are made available to authors, editors and reviewers to provide transparency and clarity. They contain ethical guidelines, define forms of ethical misconduct and procedures in the publication process.

The publication ethics document, which details the implemented ethical practice of the journal is available here.