Information Systems and the Engineering Paradigm: Integrating the Formal Methods into the Development Process

Hossein Saiedian


Formal methods are mathematically-based techniques which can be used for rigorous mode lling, analysis, specification, and design of information systems. We discuss the role of formal methods in the context of an engineering paradigm and how it applies to information systems development. An introduction to precise, concise, and unambiguous description of information systems using a formal method is provided. An example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of formal methods in describing an informat ion system. The misconceptions about the use of formal methods are examined, and gu idelines for transferring formal methods technology into the actual workplace are presented. This discussion emphasizes automated tools to assist in developing systems specification, marketing of formal methods through additional industrial-strength case studies, and the need for a framework for reusable specifications. The overall aim of the paper is to narrow the gap between the results of academia and pragmatic concerns of the information systems industry, emphasizing the importance of formal methods in the development of information systems and encouraging further progress in information systems methodologies.


Formal Methods, Engineering Paradigm, Software Development, Language Z

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