Inductive Data Types Based on Fibrations Theory in Programming

Decheng Miao, Jianqing Xi, Yubin Guo, Deyou Tang


Traditional methods including algebra and category theory have some deficiencies in analyzing semantics properties and describing inductive rules of inductive data types, we present a method based on Fibrations theory aiming at those questions above. We systematically analyze some basic logical structures of inductive data types about a fibration such as re-indexing functor, truth functor and comprehension functor, make semantics models of non-indexed fibration, single-sorted indexed fibration and many-sorted indexed fibration respectively. On this basis, we thoroughly discuss semantics properties of fibred, single-sorted indexed and many-sorted indexed inductive data types, and abstractly describe their inductive rules with universality. Furthermore, we briefly introduce applications of the three inductive dana types for analyzing semantics properties and describing inductive rules based on Fibrations theory via some examples. Compared with traditional methods, our works have the following three advantages. Firstly, brief descriptions and flexible expansibility of Fibrations theory can analyze semantics properties of inductive data types accurately, whose semantics are computed automatically. Secondly, superior abstractness of Fibrations theory does not rely on particular computing environments to depict inductive rules of inductive data types with universality. Thirdly, its rigorousness and consistence provide sound basis for testing and maintenance of software development.

ACM CCS (2012) Classification: Theory of computation→Logic→Constraint and logic programming

*To cite this article: D. Miao et al., "Inductive Data Types Based on Fibrations Theory in Programming", CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2016.


inductive data types, Fibrations theory, semantics properties, induction rules, ad joint functor

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